Access and use of the website does not require prior registration and therefore does not collect personal data.

The personal data provided through this website, if applicable, will be processed by Anderson Premier Corporate Law, S.L.

The party responsible for processing your data, if applicable, will be the APCL centre to which you belong. We use the Unique Record system, by which all centres of APCL. In any case, you can contact APCL through the following channels:

a) Email:
b) Registered office: Calle San Juan Bosco 2, 6º A C Ed. Banco Central, 29602 Marbella, Marbella (Málaga)
The data provided through the Website may be processed by APCL for the following purposes, depending on the reason for it being provided:

Responding to inquiries, requests or queries made by users through the contact form and their subsequent monitoring.
Managing your registration in the Private Area of the Website offering the user the online management and consultation service established in its conditions.
Sending commercial communications, including by electronic means, in which users will be informed of different products or services offered by APCL, following registration on the service through checking the corresponding box.
Managing users’ participation in the candidate selection processes when they have completed the job application form.
The data provided for the aforementioned purposes, different from the healthcare data, will be processed on the legal basis of consent of the providing party. This consent may be withdrawn at any time, although this will not affect the legality of the processing carried out previously. The provision of data through forms is voluntary, although in the case of not doing so, your request may not be managed, the corresponding query may not be responded to, and the indicated commercial communications may not be sent. Therefore, communication of your personal data for these purposes is a necessary requirement for us to be able to attend to the requests formulated through these channels.

Your data used for healthcare purposes will be kept for the periods established by applicable national and autonomous region regulations, and at least, as established in Law 41/2002, for the five years following the registration of each healthcare process. For processing specifically consented to by the user, the data will be kept for the necessary time to respond to their request or consultation and consider it definitively closed. Subsequently, it will be kept as a history of communications, unless you request its deletion by emailing the aforementioned address. Notwithstanding the above, the personal data used for sending commercial communications may be kept indefinitely for this purpose, unless the interested party requests its cancellation.

The owner of the data has the right to request access to it, its rectification or deletion, as well as the limitation of its processing, opposing this and the portability of their data, in the cases established in the General Regulation on Data Protection. In any event considered to be a violation of their rights, they may make a claim before the Spanish Data Protection Agency. APCL has a Data Protection Officer (DPO) as well as a technical office which assists them in their functions, which the user can also contact by emailing

The user is responsible for the information that they provide through this Website being correct. For this purpose, they are responsible for the veracity of all data that they communicate, and will keep the information provided appropriately updated, so that it is consistent with their real situation. The user will be responsible for false or imprecise information that they provide and the damages that this causes to the owner of this Website or third parties.

APCL will never share the personal data provided by users with third parties without having first obtained the consent of the owner of the data or a law requiring it. The owner of this Website guarantees the security and confidentiality of the personal data provided to it. For this purpose, it has implemented the technical and organizational security measures necessary for preventing its unauthorized alteration, loss, processing or access, in accordance with applicable regulations.



A los efectos y en cumplimiento de lo dispuesto en Reglamento (UE) 2016 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 27 de abril de 2016, relativo a la protección de las personas físicas en lo que respecta al tratamiento de datos personales y a la libre circulación de estos datos y por el que se deroga la Directiva 95 (Reglamento general de protección de datos), Directiva de aplicación directa hago constar que el cliente ha sido identificado por su documento de identidad, constando su circunstancias personales según resulta de su manifestaciones, quedando el compareciente informado expresamente de lo siguiente:

Sus datos personales serán objeto de tratamiento en este despacho, los cuales son necesarios para el cumplimiento de las obligaciones legales, conforme a lo previsto en la normativa prevista en la legislación de prevención del blanqueo de capitales, tributaria y, en su caso, sustantiva que resulte aplicable al acto o negocio jurídico documentado. La comunicación de los datos personales es un requisito legal, encontrándose el cliente obligado a facilitar los datos personales, y estando informado de que la consecuencia de no facilitar tales datos es que no sería posible autorizar o intervenir los documentos públicos o privados que precise. Sus datos se conservarán con carácter confidencial.

La finalidad del tratamiento de los datos es cumplir la normativa para autorizar el presente documento, su facturación, seguimiento posterior y las funciones propias de la actividad del despacho de obligado cumplimiento, de las que pueden derivarse la existencia de decisiones automatizadas, autorizadas por la Ley, adoptadas por las Administraciones Públicas y entidades cesionarios autorizadas por Ley, incluida la elaboración de perfiles precisos para la prevención e investigación por las autoridades competentes del blanqueo de capitales y la financiación del terrorismo.

El despacho realizará las cesiones de dichos datos que sean de obligado cumplimiento a las Administraciones Públicas, a las entidades y sujetos que estipule la Ley y, en su caso, a sociedades relacionadas con el mismo.

Los datos proporcionados se conservarán durante los años necesarios para cumplir con las obligaciones legales del despacho o quien le sustituya o suceda.

Puede ejercitar sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, limitación, portabilidad y oposición al tratamiento por correo postal ante el despacho Anderson Premier Corporate Law, en el domicilio en Calle San Juan Bosco 2, 6º A C Ed. Banco Central, 29602 Marbella, Marbella (Málaga). Asimismo, tiene el derecho a presentar una reclamación ante una autoridad de control.

Los datos serán tratados y protegidos según, la Ley Orgánica 15 de 13 de diciembre de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal (o la Ley que la sustituya) y su normativa de desarrollo, y el Reglamento (UE) 2016 del Parlamento europeo y del Consejo de 27 de abril de 2016 relativo a la protección de las personas físicas en lo que respecta al tratamiento de datos personales y a la libre circulación de estos datos y por el que se deroga la Directiva.