The first matter we have to consider when it comes to looking for a residence is that we have to decide on the characteristics and conditions that it ought to have. These characteristics and conditions, which we can separate into two broad areas, in no way place limits on the search, making it more extensive or more restricted. These are namely:
Particular characteristics of the residence: Whether it is going to be a new or a second-hand construction, from public or private development, the number of square metres, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, the layout of its dependencies, its location, whether it has a lift or not, garage, garden, central heating, communications, access points, distance from town centres, public services in the area, etc.
Specific factors: Amongst these we can highlight the amount of money available, the level and security of monthly earnings, the possibility of financing, the freedom of movement, distance from the work place, personal and family needs, etc.
One of the most important decisions we have to take is the type of residence that we wish to acquire. This is because this decision revolves around such important matters as the setting in which we live, the form of payment, possible state assistance, restrictions on the sale or the price at which we can sell it, etc. In short, we can distinguish two types of residences:
A) Public housing: These are constructed in accordance with the so-called housing plans, which are legal instruments that are approved by public institutions. They set out the characteristics of the housing, of the individuals who may have access to them, the financial help that you are going to be granted, etc. For all of these reasons, they are limited in terms of the purchase price, which is featured as a price per square metre in the housing plan. This type of housing is noted for the ones classified as the O.P.H. or officially protected housing, and those classified as P.R.H. or price rated housing. Both of these can be part of a public development scheme, when it is the State, Autonomous Community or the municipal councils that construct housing for a particular sector of the population, or as part of a private development scheme, when a private development carries out the construction with the assistance of a public entity.
B) Private or unrestricted residence: This means those that are not classified as official housing since their development is not subject to any official protection or housing plan regulations. There is no limit placed on these in terms of price, or who can have access to them, or in relation to the freedom to sell or rent them. However, on the other hand, they do not receive any type of assistance from public entities. Under this section, we can highlight the following:
B.1) New dwelling: Whether this has been wholly completed, or only exists on a plan, through a co-operative or owners’ association.
B.2) Second-hand dwelling
Having made a decision about all this, and above all, those factors which each individual wishes to include, we will have defined the type of dwelling we want and that, furthermore, we are able to acquire. That is to say, we will have the objective of our search, and we can then get to work on this.
fuente: COAPI Madrid